Rock and Roll Hoochie Koo

by Rick Derringer

Guitar Pro Tab  |  v5.10  |  Posted on Feb. 22, 2012, 12:55 p.m. ← Back

Guitar Pro Tab Summary



Song Author

Rick Derringer

Tabbed by

Patrick Golden


1st → Vocals
2nd → Guitar 1
3rd → Background Vocals
4th → Guitar 3
5th → Guitar 2

File Size

41 KB




Al-right! [VERSE] Could-n't stop mov-in' when it first took hold.__ It was a warm spring night at the old town hall. There was a group called the Jok-ers, they were lay-in' it down.___ To know I'm nev-er gon-na lose that funk-y sounds.____ [CHORUS] Rock and_ roll_ hooch-ie koo.___ Lord-y ma-ma light_ my fuse.____ Rock and_ roll__ hooch-ie koo.__ Drop on_ out_ an' spead_ the news.___ [VERSE] Mos-qui-toes start-ed buz-zin' 'bout this_ time of year.__ I'm go-in' 'round back, said she'd meet me there._ We were rol-lin' in the grass, it was be-hind the barn.___ Well, my ears start-ed ring-in' like a fire a-larm.____ [CHORUS] Rock and_ roll_ hooch-ie koo.___ Lord-y ma-ma light_ my fuse.____ Rock and_ roll__ hooch-ie koo.__ Drop on_ out_ an' spead_ the news.___ Yeah, some-bod-y said "Keep on rock-in'." Ow!_ [OUTRO-CHORUS] Rock and roll___ hooch-ie koo.___ Lord-y ma- ma, light my fuse.___ Lord-y ma- ma light my fuse.____ [FREE TIME] Woo! Ow!